Втулка коленвала 16241-23280 Втулка коленвала, 16241-23280, 16241-23282
Kubota: Sleeve, Crankshaft 16241-23280 16241-23282 Применяемость D905, D1005, D1105, V1505 F2260 F2560 (4wd) F2560E (2wd) F2680E (2wd / 2008) F2690 F2690E F2880-F (4wd) F2880E-F (2wd / 2006-2007) F3060 F3080 F3680 KX41H KX71 KX71-3 CABIN KX71-3 CANOPY KX71-3S CABIN KX71-3S CANOPY KX91-2 KX91-2(S SERIES) (Super Series) R310BHOLD TYPE R310OLD TYPE U25S ZD1211 ZD1211L ZD1211R ZD1211RL ZD28 (Without rops) - 010200 PISTON AND CRANKSHAFT ZD28 (Without rops) - 010202 PISTON AND CRANKSHAFT ZD28F (With rops) - 010202 PISTON AND CRANKSHAFT ZD28F (With rops) - 010200 PISTON AND CRANKSHAFT ZD326P (Semi-Pneumatic tires / Heavy-duty front axle) - 010201 PISTON AND CRANK SHAFT ZD326P (Semi-Pneumatic tires / Heavy-duty front axle) - 010200 PISTON AND CRANK SHAFT ZD326RP ZD326RP (Rear discharge deck) ZD326S (Pneumatic tire / Standard front axle) - 010202 PISTON AND CRANKSHAFT ZD326S (Pneumatic tire / Standard front axle) - 010200 PISTON AND CRANKSHAFT ZD331LP (72" deck / Commercial deck) - 010202 PISTON AND CRANK SHAFT ZD331LP (72" deck / Commercial deck) - 010200 PISTON AND CRANK SHAFT ZD331P ZD331P (60" deck / Commercial deck) - 010202 PISTON AND CRANK SHAFT ZD331P (60" deck / Commercial deck) - 010200 PISTON AND CRANK SHAFT ZD331RP (Rear discharge deck) Производитель Kubota Если Вас интересует втулка коленвала 16241-23280 , Вы можете:
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