Перечень кодов ошибок экскаваторов Kubota name English meaning and explanation
data000 This LCD display shows the following conditions;fuel amount, water temp., engine oil pressure, battery, glow plug, and operating hour meter. data001 This LCD display shows the following conditions;fuel amount, water temp., engine speed. data002 This LCD display shows the following conditions;fuel amount, water temp., and operating hour meter. data003 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of each function;fuel amount shortage data004 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of low engine oil pressure data005 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of low charging voltage of alternator data006 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of each function; higher voltage line connected for example, 24 V battery data007 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning thepossibility of engine overheating condition EU - version only : 124 ± °C data008 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning ofaccel sensor line break or shortage data009 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of governor sensor line break or shortage data010 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of AI motor line shortage. data011 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of AI motor line break. data012 The letter on the LCD indicates the amount of auxiliary port flow. data013 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of electrical shortage of aux. solenoid valve left side. data014 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of electrical line break of aux. solenoid valve left side. data015 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of electrical shortage of aux. solenoid valve right side. data016 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of electrical line break of aux. solenoid valveright side. data017 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of coolant sensor or water temp. sensor fail. data018 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of fuel sensor fail. data019 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of 12V sensor supply line shortage. data020 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of 5V sensor supply line shortage. data021 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of controller error in the meter panel. data022 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of AI motor being restricted by any means. data082 These indicates where machine was manufactured. data084 This indicates that operator is suggested to lift up unload lever(safety lock lever). Производитель Kubota Если Вас интересует перечень кодов ошибок экскаваторов kubota , Вы можете:
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